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Push tasks from Sisu to Google Task Lists and more. This section describes how to configure the integration between Sisu and Realty Hook.

Enable Sisu

Flip this switch to enable Sisu integration. When enabled, tasks will be synced with other services like Google.

Enable switch for Sisu


Sisu requires an API key to sync with the service. Follow these steps to retrieve your API key.

  1. In Sisu, select Settings, then Team Settings.

Select Team Settings

  1. Select API Credentials/WebHooks

Select API Credentials

  1. Copy the Authorization value

Copy Authorization Value

  1. Paste the value into the Integrations > Sisu > Sisu Authorization Code field

Realty Hook Authorization Code

Sisu Webhooks

Sisu provides a mechanism to send real-time data to Realty Hook automatically. As you make changes in Sisu, these updates will be pushed to Realty Hook behind the scenes. Realty Hook won't need to periodically request this information from Sisu. The data will stay in sync in a timely manner. To accomplish this, you will need to set up Webhooks for your Sisu team.

  1. Go to the same API Credentials/Webhooks section in Sisu as in step 2 above.

  2. Add the following webhook and click "Add Subscription":

Fill out Webhook information

  1. Realty Hook will do some handshaking with Sisu behind the scenes and you should see a screen like the following when the webhook is active with Realty Hook.

Webhook subscribe confirmation

  1. Next click on the "Add Trigger" button.

Add Trigger

  1. Last step! Fill out the following information so that Realty Hook can be automatically notified when your Sisu tasks have been updated.
  • Type - Select "Tasks"
  • Trigger on Create - check yes
  • Trigger on Update - check yes
  • Trigger on Delete - check yes
  • Include Full Object - check yes

Add Trigger Details

  1. Don't forget to click the "Add" button.

Sisu Users

In order to fetch events and tasks from Sisu, your team's users must be imported into Realty Hook.

Click Refresh Sisu Users

Refresh Sisu Users

Click the 'Refresh Sisu Users' button to pull your team's user details into Realty Hook.

After you've followed the steps for setting up your Team Members in the Adding Team Members section, click on the "Connect to Team" button for a Sisu user and select the Realty Hook user to connect with.

Click Refresh Sisu Users

If you've made a mistake or need to unlink the user connection, click the "Connected To..." button and choose select the Unlink option.

Click Refresh Sisu Users


Once your Sisu integration configuration area is complete, move onto the Connections section to finish your Sisu setup.